Description of Indian Abacus Non-Digital View / Download PDF click here Training Main Page

  1. Indian Abacus


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    The Frame, the figure shows the salient features of the Indian Abacus Non-Digital. The Abacus in this figure shows red & green coloured sliders in the Value Position; all the Lower sliders & upper sliders in the column are drawn towards the bar displaying the colours of the images (Green & Red), which are bright and very conspicuous.The Abacus has 17 slots / columns totally having 85 sliders (17 Upper sliders and 68 Lower sliders) and each slot / column having 1 Upper slider and 4 Lower sliders.
  2. Indian Abacus


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    Bar – The rib like horizontal bar runs parallel and slightly closer to the upper slider chamber. The Bar actually divides in two Chambers – the Upper and the lower chambers and the bar touches the sides of the Indian Abacus Non-Digital on either side.
  3. Indian Abacus

    Vertical slot / column

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    Vertical slot / column the sliders are positioned vertically there are totally 17 slots / columns.
  4. Indian Abacus

    Unit pointer

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    Unit pointer which is a marking made on the bar of the Indian Abacus Non-Digital normally used as a point to start from for working / using Abacus. There are totally 5 Unit pointers marked on the bar.
  5. Indian Abacus

    Upper slider (displaying Red colour)

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    Upper sliders (displaying Red colour) there are totally 17 Upper sliders (above the bar) in the upper chamber of the Indian Abacus Non-Digital, horizontally arranged; each designed to move within its slot; Each slot / column has one upper slider.The upper sliders when moved towards the bar display the Red colour image and when moved away from the bar no-colour / no value image are displayed.
  6. Indian Abacus

    Lower sliders (displaying Green colour)

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    Lower sliders (displaying Green colour). There are 4 sliders in each of slots / columns in the lower chamber (below the bar).There are totally 4 rows of 17 Lower sliders in the lower chamber of the Indian Abacus Non-Digital horizontally arranged; each slot / column thus is made to have 4 Lower sliders. All of them can be moved independently and together up and down.The Lower sliders when moved towards the bar display the Green colour image and when moved away from the bar no-colour/ no value image are displayed.
  7. Indian Abacus

    Diamond shaped Window

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    Diamond shaped Window - The sieve like plate has diamond shaped windows. The windows enable the visible area for Green colour display and the shutter like “no value” area.
  8. Indian Abacus

    Window displaying Green colour image

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    Window displaying Green colour image (below the bar). The Window in the labeled position is displaying Green colour as all the lower sliders do. When the lower sliders are moved towards the bar the Green colour image will be visible.
  9. Indian Abacus

    Window displaying Red colour image

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    Window displaying Red colour image (above the bar) through the upper slider display. The Window in the labeled position is displaying Red colour as all the upper sliders do. When the Upper sliders are moved towards the bar the Red colour image will be visible.
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